This Web Page is provided as a service to Residents of Union Mills Fire Protection District. The purpose for this site is to provide information as to the past, current and future status of the fire department and its function within the community. Every effort is made to provide family oriented material. Please check our Education and Home Safety Links for information provided by agencies such as U.S. Fire Administration, National Fire Protection Association, N.C. State Fire Marshall's Office, American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association. Space for this Web Page is provide by
This site is dedicated to all Men and Women who give freely of their time and effort to provide comfort and aid to the public whether it be family, friend or stranger. We give special thanks to the Family of these Men and Women, as they so often take second place to the call of the fire alarm, they are a special class of people. Visit our Tribute to the Firefigher and Family.
Current Roster with Entry Date
Patsy Arrowood 6/2/2005
Steven Blanton_____6/21/2021
Tracie Boone_______5/16/2022
Michael Carpenter 5/2/2016
Dean Conner 2/7/1971
Harry Deyton 3/15/2010
Kay Deyton 1/8/1998
Anthony Dowdle 1/18/2010
Kenneth Dowdle 1/1/1979
Gilbert Forney 6/20/2005
Richard Granaas 4/3/2023
Josh Hendrix 8/1/2016
Carson Ramsey 9/08/2014
Joey Hinojosa 1/20/2020
Josh Hargett 12/22/2017
Hans Radford II 11/7/2022
Ron Reagle 12/19/2022
Trevor Rhodes _ 12/4/2022
Joshua Wilson 9/20/2021
Isaih Stancil 3/13/2023 Jr. Mem.
Joshua Hendrix, President
Dean Conner, Vice President
Kay C. Deyton, Director, Secretary/Treasurer
Michael Carpenter, Director Kenneth Dowdle, Director
Steven Blanton, Director Carson Ramsey, Director
Joshua Hargett, Director
Joshua Hendrrix, Director
A Tribute to the Ladies Auxiliary
A special thanks is is due to the members of the former Ladies Auxiliary. Though the Auxiliary is no longer active, many ladies gave countless hours to raise funds to support the fire department. These ladies prepared many
fund raising dinners, held the annual bazzar, and the once popular weekend hamburger & hot dog sales. Some of the
group worked together to make hand stitched quilts for raffle at the bazzar. One group of ladies in our early years did house cleaning, washed windows, and raked leaves to raise funds. Though no record exist of the names of all those who participated throughout the years, below are those I can remember (no particular order)
Mattie Flack*
Pearl Barnette* Mary Flack* Anna Mottenen* Minnie Radford*
Martha Lovelace Lucille Lloyd*
Betty Owens Amy Wilson*
Freda Greene
Jeannie Conner Rita Blankenship Ruth Sluder Hattie Thompson*
Estele Craig*
Lonnie Twitty*
Kaye Briscoe* Violet Dowdle* Tinsy Conner* Peggy StClair
Gertie Baynard* Bonnie Roane*
Coleen Nanney Alla Briscoe*
Rachel Dowdle
Elaine Conner Voncil Cooper* Betty Flack* Violet Hodge* Inez Morgan*
Deceased *
March 6, 1925 - September 4, 2011
Alvin began his service in July,1977. He served as Department Tresurer for many years. His later years were spent as Traffic Officer. During most of those years he was active in the Community Watch Program, and the Sheriff's Traffic Patrol. Declining health brought an end to his service December 31, 2010. When failing health prevented him from assisting with an alarm, he would often respond and sit in his truck and watch. Alvin's service and dedication will be greatly missed.